In this article, we will discuss important questions about the ultrasoundmachine and answer them after checking. In fact, there are such questions for all medical equipment (LED negatoscope) and you, as a medical engineering expert, if you want to work in this field, knowing the answers to these questions will help you a lot. Can ultrasound be used to diagnose things like appendicitis? Sometimes, the accuracy of ultrasoundto check masses and liver metastases(tumors originating from other parts of the body and reaching the liver) is even higher than CT scan. What are the preparations before ultrasound of the digestive system, liver and gallbladder? • It is better for the patient to be fasting for the examination of her liver, gallbladderand bile ducts.
Note 1: Consumption of fatty foods such as butter, eggs, etc. is strictly prohibited. Because eating fatty foods causes the gallbladder to contract and drain bile into the intestine, and this causes the gallbladder to not be seen or examined in ultrasound.
Note 2: It is safe to drink simple liquids such as water and tea.
• After completing all the procedures, some specialists give the patient an egg yolk, and one hour after eating the egg yolk, they perform an ultrasound on the patient again.
• In most cases, the ultrasoundspecialist will put you under ultrasound in two positions, lying down and sitting, because ultrasound of the gallbladder should be done in these two positions so that the stones hidden in the gallbladder move and become visible. This is especially done when the ultrasound results of the gallbladder in the lying position are normal. Ultrasound of surface elements: Surface elements include organs such as skin, thyroid gland in the neck, salivaryglandsand breasts. The invention of very new ultrasound devices that work with extremely high sound frequencies has made it possible to examine surface elements. Due to the high importance of breasts and thyroid gland, we mention these two items: What is breast ultrasound?
The breast, which is wrongly called the breast (chest or thorax is a bony chamber containing the heart and lungs) is composed of soft tissue that contains fat, glands and milk ducts.
Ultrasound is used along with other methods such as clinical examination and mammography to investigate, diagnose and treat some breast tumors and diseases. Women who examine their breasts every month after the end of the menstrual period will notice the formation of lumps in their breasts much earlier and will be exposed to fewer risks in the future.
1- From the age of 20, do a regular and correct examination of your breasts, which is taught to you by a doctor or an obstetrician.
2- At around the age of 35, according to your doctor’s opinion, take a mammogramof your breasts and keep it as a record.
3- It is usually recommended to perform annual mammographyafter the age of 50 in women. Under this age, a mammogram should be prepared every two years.
Breast ultrasound can be performed at any age. Ultrasound is especially useful for people under 30 years of age when mammography is not performed.
The main use of breast ultrasound is to detect cysts or hollow cavities. This method can also be used for therapeutic purposes such as emptying cysts or taking samples from solid tumors. Breasts that appear thinin the lying position can be examined by ultrasound in the sitting position. What is thyroid ultrasound? The thyroidgland, like other glands in the body, can develop solid tumors or hollow cavities (cysts). Usually, after the initial examinations and possibly a radioisotopescan, the endocrinologistrequests an ultrasound of the thyroid gland for two purposes:
1- Diagnosis of solid tumors from cysts.
2- Recognizing that the thyroidgland is only located in the neck. |